Jesse Orth

Dr. Jesse Orth is excited to return to the state of Texas as the assistant professor of tuba and euphonium at the Texas A&M University-Kingsville where he teaches applied tuba and euphonium lessons, directs the tuba/euphonium ensemble, and teaches low brass methods. Previously, he held positions at the University of Northern Iowa, Brookhaven College, and […]


Group Photo with Instruments

A play on the words Nordeste (Portuguese for Northeast) and Trio, NordesTrio is dedicated to the creation and performance of contemporary works for a very distinctive instrumentation: trumpet, horn, and piano. The trio is based in Northeast Arkansas and consists of professors of Arkansas State University, Dr. Nairam Simoes, Dr. Juli Buxbaum and Dr. Lauren […]

Duo Cylindre

Duo Cylindre Group

Duo Cylindre takes a refreshing new look at the similarities and possibilities of flute and clarinet in combination and expands the traditional framework to include auxiliary instruments, transcriptions, piano, percussion, and electronics. Andrea Vos-Rochefort and Lizzy Darling form a dynamic and versatile chamber ensemble, frequently performing at universities, high schools, and conferences, and touring throughout […]

Kyle Millsap

Kyle Millsap Banner

Kyle Millsap is an award-winning solo artist and Associate Professor of Trumpet & Jazz at Texas A&M University-Kingsville where he leads all areas of the nationally-recognized trumpet program and directs Jazz Band I. His playing has been hailed as having “superb style, [a] gorgeous sound, and masterful intonation.” (ITG) He has performed with a diverse […]